Tag: COVID-19
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COVID in the Land of Enchantment: New Mexico “up” to Fifth-Worst State, Los Alamos is its Least-Worst County

The Red and Blue of Coronavirus in America

America’s Third COVID Wave

Animating COVID: Weekly Coronavirus Rates for all 50 states (3/11/20 to 9/23/20)

Animating Coronavirus: Dynamic 3D map of COVID-19 in the US from March 1st to August 12th, 2020

Animating COVID: Weekly Coronavirus Rates for all 50 states (3/19/20 to 8/6/20)

COVID-19: Latest State-by-state Analysis (7/24/2020)

Animating Coronavirus: The spread of COVID-19 in the United States (07/12/2020)